Spray Foam Insulation Can Reduce Energy Consumption

Spray Foam Insulation Can Reduce Energy Consumption

Spray Foam Insulation Can Reduce Energy Consumption

Spray foam insulation is one of the most effective ways to improve home energy quality. This is particularly true when lowering energy consumption is the goal. Spray foam can have both airtightness and thermal protection. It will prevent warm air from being wasted in the winter and cooled air from being wasted in the summer due to air leakage. Air leakage is common in a home’s “house envelope,” including the attic, roof, and basement foundation walls. Air leakage must be stopped in order to save electricity, and spray foam insulation is the answer. We use the best insulation products in the market and this is one of the reasons that we at Eco Spray Insulation are the best.

Reduce air leakage with spray foam insulation

Spray foam insulation provides the best air sealing and thermal insulation. It keeps a home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It will save electricity, increase indoor comfort, and improve air circulation. Spray foam also regulates air moisture movement, lowering the risk of moisture-related problems.

Spray foam insulation, when designed properly, provides an airtight atmosphere that removes the need for a separate vapour barrier. This, in and of itself, prevents air moisture from moving and moisture pockets from forming. The better-controlled moisture levels allow for a more comfortable (and healthier) indoor living atmosphere in both winter and summer.

Spray foam is used to increase energy efficiency. With a successful installation, the HVAC system can run more efficiently throughout the year, using less energy. Annual savings on heating and cooling will help “pay down” the cost of spray foam insulation in many homes. This is why you should choose our experts to do the insulation.

When the whole house is built, this can be quite necessary. Spray foam is a specialty of seasoned residential installers at Great Northern Insulation. Every product is assembled according to code, and every application adheres to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

How Does Insulation Conserve Energy?

Insulating Walls, Floors and Attics

The barrier that prevents the inside and outside air temperatures from equalizing is your home’s outer shell, or envelope. The less energy your heating and cooling systems have to use to warm or cool the air in your house, the better insulated the walls, floors, and roof are.

Sealing Air Leaks

Even if the walls are well insulated, warm or cold air will escape through cracks and gaps around windows and doors. Caulk and weather-strip air leaks to save energy. Drafty homes use more energy to heat and cool than tightly sealed homes, so caulk and weather-strip air leaks to save energy. It’s almost impossible to over-seal an older home; in most cases, this is due to the construction methods used, and there will still be enough fresh air to retain good ventilation after sealing the largest leaks.

Insulating Ducts

Leaky ducts can reduce performance by up to 20% in homes with central heating and air conditioning systems that push air through a duct system. Seal and insulate all of your ducts to ensure that warm and cold air gets to where it needs to go as quickly as possible.When ducts pass through unfinished areas such as attics or basements, good insulation is even more necessary. Finally, to prevent air from escaping behind the wall or under the floor, seal the areas around the registers.

Reflective Insulation

While most insulation blocks heat transfer, reflective insulation, also known as a radiant barrier, is mounted on the attic floor and reflects heat radiated into the attic by a hot roof, preventing it from entering the living space below. Although reflective insulation will help you save money on your heating bills, its primary function is to keep your home cool in hot weather climates.

How to Stop Cold Floors

Check Your Insulation

Cold floors may be caused by a poorly insulated home. The quality of insulation in your home can be checked by a home inspector or an energy auditor to see if it is adequate. You should check your attic insulation to see if it is adequately shielding your home from the cold. You can easily add insulation to your attic by yourself. However, since it necessitates opening up the walls or flooring, applying insulation to the walls or under the floors may be more difficult.

Use Carpeting

Some floor materials have a cooler natural temperature than others. Hardwood, tile, and linoleum floors are warmer than carpeted floors due to the extra insulation provided by the carpeting. To insulate your floors and keep them warm, use carpeting or area rugs. Thin rugs or carpets may not be as effective at keeping cold floors at bay as thicker ones. More protection against the cold is provided by thicker carpets.

Check Your Doors and Windows

If a room is drafty, cold air from the outside will reach and chill the floors. This happens when access points to the outside of the building, such as doors and windows, are not properly sealed. To avoid drafts, replace the weather stripping on your doors and windows on a regular basis. This also aids in the energy efficiency of your house.

Check the Room Below the Floor

Rooms above basements, garages, or crawl spaces also have cold floors. This is due to the fact that the rooms below are not climate-controlled like the rest of the house. It’s cold in your garage if it’s cold outside. That means the space above the garage is more likely to have a cold floor. You can install insulation between the ceiling of the room below and the floor of the room above to avoid cold floors in this case, or you can use carpeting in the room above to help insulate the floor from the cold air below it.

Tips for sealing air leaks to save money

  • Where plumbing, ducting, or electrical wiring passes through walls, floors, ceilings, and soffits above cabinets, caulk and seals air leaks.
  • Foam gaskets should be installed behind outlets and switch plates on walls.
  • Inspect the insulation for air leakage and mold in filthy spots. Seal leaks with low-expansion spray foam made for the job, and if necessary, add house flashing.
  • Check the ceiling paint and carpet for dirty spots that might suggest air gaps at interior wall/ceiling joints and wall/floor joists, and caulk them.
  • Replace single-pane windows with more energy-efficient double-pane low-emissivity windows or cover single-pane windows with storm windows. 
  • Cover larger holes around walls, baseboards, and other places where air can escape with foam sealant.
  • When not in use, cover your kitchen exhaust fan to prevent air leaks.
  • Check to make sure your dryer vent isn’t clogged. This will save resources and possibly avoid fire from occurring.
  • Replace door bottoms and thresholds with foldable sealing joints.
  • Keep the flue muddy fireplace tightly closed when not in use.
  • Seal air leaks around fireplace chimneys, furnaces, and gas-fired water heater vents with fire-resistant materials such as sheet metal or sheet metal and cement furnace caulk.

Why choose Eco Spray Insulation?

Here at Eco Spray Insulation, we know that our customers are interested in making changes to reduce their environmental footprint. We have the privilege of helping them along this path with the installation of eco-friendly commercial spray foam and residential spray foam. Not only are these high-performance products, but they will also help to reduce your environmental impact by reducing the need for heating and air conditioning. Our spray foam products are the best and all Ontarians can see a drop in their utility costs.

Our unsurpassed attention to detail means that once you hire us, you don’t have to worry about anything. We handle all kinds of spray foam insulation projects from start to finish. What are you waiting for? Give us a call at 416 860 6664 or email us at [email protected] today to upgrade to new commercial spray foam or residential spray foam.

Spray Foam InsulationHome Insulation

Energy Consumptionspray foam insulation

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